Maandelijks archief: november 2022

Monthly newsletter December 2022


Issues in this month’s edition are:

  • Preface

  • Preview month December

  • Important energies

  • Astronomy and astrology in daily practice

  • Esoteric astrology

  • Astrological preview 2023

  • Wisdom of Lao Tse


We have arrived at the last monthly letter of 2022. This also turns out to be the 98th in total.

In all these years, we had to deal with forceful energies, resulting in important changes in many of our lives and experiences.

Where I have all these years tried to contribute to, was growing awareness in the world.

At the moment we are born, our consciousness is unlimited and unconditioned.

By incarnating in this life and related to the dependent position where we have to start, we soon have to deal with many limitations. This experience accelerates during our lives. Every single experience and lessons we have to learn are limiting our consciousness. In this manner we lose focus on our life assignments.

These limitations can be related to our biological parents and our genetic inheritance, but also to the family where we grow up, our social environment and many authorities we meet on the path of life and who leave a not erasable impression.

How can a newborn manage to stay connected to the unlimited consciousness and to all potential in the here and now?

This is not easy; at any case it is important to allow a development where gradually our insight may grow. In our era, we are in the middle of the transfer from the Pisces era to the Aquarius era.

Such a transfer is accompanied by a full and unlimited reorientation in the world, both individual and collective. We recently have experienced a number of situations, allowing us to develop insight in what is expected from us in the Aquarius era. And, as is used at every new beginning, our new challenges are key.

Especially our insight on where and what we have to change is important.

We are in the middle of a period where Mars is retrograde. This allows us to have reflection on our activities. Let us use the outcomes the coming month to reflect on the way we contribute ourselves to the transfer to the Age of Aquarius. Later on in 2023 we will have to meet impressive new challenges. I wish you all an inspiring month and holy Xmas.

Preview for the month December

From a collective view the month December gives the impression to be rather calm in energy.

There are no complicated energies, most of the actual energetic challenges are related to the planets Venus, Mercury, and Neptune.

Planets fitting well in the atmosphere we would like to create in the holy period around Christmas.

Their energies are about love, affection, material values, communication, life ideals, mysticism, and belief.

At the beginning of the month, we can become somewhat disoriented and even get lost physically. We also can be disappointed in our expectations. From December 6th this will change, the world around us will become more factual.

On December 8th we have a Full Moon, on the same moment Sun is opposing Mars in Gemini.

This indicates a period of reorientation on the Mars energy. It is a good period to better understand your way of action-directedness. The moment when Sun and Mars are opposing and the house in the personal horoscope where Mars is at that moment, give an indication for the attention of the area of life where we should pay attention to.

About December 9th, we can expect a fortunate financial opportunity.

About December 17th, we could have special insights, sometimes so special that we could hardly believe them. Be patient, in a time asking for other and insightful solutions, it is important to be serious about it.

On December 20th Jupiter leaves Pisces for the next 12 years and makes a transfer to Aries. We can expect many initiatives related to development and growth. It is important to verify whether they have a sound basis for a durable future.

This months New Moon is on the 24th of December and on the second degree of Capricorn.

According to the astrological mandala the symbol of this degree is: ”Three rose-windows in a Gothic church, one damaged by war”.

It warns humanity against the result of war as a kind of psychological group-integration, and the result to be expected: “destruction and death”.

Picture: Rosette window (Bijloke Abbey, Gent Belgium)

This abbey was founded in the 13th century as a hospital and monastery.

We see in the round window in a number of different ways a depiction of the holy trinity.

Taking a thorough look at this picture I was reminded to the 3 of Pentacles (Rider Waite tarot).

On this card we see the entrance of a Gotic church with on top of the pillar the 3 of pentacles.

It symbolizes the beneficial results of cooperation from different participating structures (workers, architects, clerical representatives) in the community.

On December 30th we will enter a new period when Mercury retrogrades.

It influences our way of thinking and as a result we are reflecting more internally and will communicate less.

This can lead to all kinds of communication problems and unthoughtful action.

So, it should be wise to be reluctant with fireworks during Sylvester night.


The astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar

Tarot as a key to insight, Eleonore Oldenburger

Important energies for December

This month, the following important energies will be present. They will be the explanation for significant events during this month. Time used is GMT.

1 Venus opposition Mars

2 Mercury square Neptune, Venus sextile Saturn

4 Neptune direct (01.14), Venus square Neptune

6 Mercury square Jupiter, Mercury enters Capricorn (23.08)

8 Full Moon (05.08), Sun opposition Mars R

9 Venus square Jupiter

10 Venus enters Capricorn (04.54)

12 Sun sextile Saturn

14 Sun square Neptune

17 Mercury trine Uranus

20 Jupiter enters Aries (15.12)

21 Sun enters Capricorn (22.48)

22 Sun square Jupiter, Venus trine Uranus,

24 New Moon (11.17) on Capricorn 2nd degree

25 Mercury sextile Neptune

28 Venus sextile Neptune

29 Mercury Retrograde at 10.31 on Capricorn 25th degree. Mercury conjunction Venus

Astrology and astronomy in daily practice.

Mars is rising this month about an hour after sunset in the south-east.

On November 25th, when I went for a walk with the dog after sunset, the sky was clear. Immediately my eye found Jupiter in the south, high in the sky. At the same time, I discovered the copper shining star in the southeast, this was Mars, very clear at the moment.

Saturnus and Jupiter appear at the beginning of the evening in the south. About midnight they disappear again.

In the evening of December 1st, and also later this month on December 29th, the Moon will be close to Jupiter, and on December 8th the (at that moment Full) Moon will be close to Mars and on the day after Christmas the Moon is close to Saturn.

Following a 4-day course in esoteric astrology there was a remarkable coincidence with aspects of the planet Venus.

On every single day we had another one and as follows:

  1. Venus conjunction Sun (= Venus Hesperus)
  2. Venus conjunction Southern Lunar Node
  3. Venus enters Sagittarius
  4. Venus opposition Mars (Full Moon stage)

At the first meeting Venus just past the conjunction with the Sun, indicating Venus had become an evening star. Rudhyar calls this Venus Hesperus. This position leads to a more cultivated emotional life. In esoteric astrology Venus also is considered a planet of the 5th ray and this is about concrete knowledge and wisdom. This fits to the meaning of this course.

At the first meeting we were informed about ancient knowledge and wisdom (Helena Blavatsky).

During the second day we paid attention to the basic insights behind, and we try to get new insight in the possible application of this knowledge.

In the last meeting we will have finished the assignment through our will and perseverance and have the ability to apply this new knowledge in practice.

Beautiful to see how the symbolic of these Venus aspects coincides with the things happening in real life.

Esoteric Astrology

Recently, I got the opportunity to attend a 4day workshop about esoteric astrology by Beatrice Boucher. I already mentioned this in earlier editions of this letter.

At the moment I have followed days 1 to 3. In this article a short overview of essence and background.

Esoteric Astrology is based on ancient wisdom and the insights and work of Helena Blavatsky (see Secret Doctrine) and Alice Baily.

This Ancient wisdom comprehends the existence of a borderless and unchangeable origin forming the basis of everything.

Our cosmic order is hierarchic, and this order is present in every human being.

In his book psychosynthesis Assagioli (1888-1974) describes in “the egg” the relation between all parts of the conscious and the unconscious.

Psychosynthesis is accepted as a sound basis for the development of humanistic and transpersonal psychology and psychotherapy.

Picture: the “egg” diagram (Roberto Assagioli)

It is also important to understand the relation with the layered structure in the human body: physical body – etheric body – astral body – mental body – resulting body.

It is good to know there is an etheric body wrapped around every body (as e.g. the earth, moon, animals, etc.).

The basic ideas are derived from the 7 cosmic rays, being sent from Ursa Major to our Sun and accompanying planets. These rays are:

The first ray of Will and Power

The second ray of Love-Wisdom

The third ray of Adaptability or active Intelligence

The fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict

The Fifth ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science

The sixth ray of Devotion or Abstract Idealism

The seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic or Order

Our solar system has a 2nd ray influence.

An individual, group of people, a nation can be under the influence of the own specific ray. In general, there is one ray dominant. We have several methods to research the dominant ray.

It is also true that the soul and the personality are mostly not at the same ray level.

This puts a focus in this incarnation on this relation and the connection should be made by building a bridge (Anthakarana) or rainbow-bridge.

Picture: Anthakarana (from Soul centered astrology, Alan Oken)

The 7 rays play an important role in esoteric psychology. Having insight in the meaning of it, can help us to improve our self-knowledge.

Esoteric astrology is based on the principle of incarnation of the soul. A soul knows many incarnations and has an assignment to develop to a higher level.

Most of the incarnated souls are on the first level and need many incarnations to arrive at a following stage. The transfer between levels is in many cases connected with crises and radical incidents. The interaction between soul and physical level take place with the use of the Anthakarana (rainbow-bridge). This bridge should be developed during many incarnations.

Esoteric astrology is specially related to understanding the assignment of the soul. It is a method to work consciously on the connection between soul and personality.

Esoteric astrology is primarily based on the position od Sun, Earth, Moon, Vulcanus and Ascendant. It is also important to recognize and understand the energy of the dominant ray.

Esoteric astrology doesn’t use aspects, resonance (connection between energies in the same ray) is important.

Apart from the regular ruler’s esoteric astrology makes use of different rulers. Every sign has two rulers.

There is an order in rulers (hierarchic – esoteric – exoteric).

Amongst others Alan Oken gives more insight in his book “Soul centered astrology”.

An esoteric and an exoteric explanation of a birth chart can be used in connection, provided the related person has passed a first threshold of crises.


Website IC Aquarius (Beatrice Boucher)

The secret doctrine, Helena Blavatsky

Esoteric psychology, Alice Baily

Psychosyntheses, Roberto Assagioli

A theory of everything, Ken Wilber

Preview 2023

In 2023 we will be confronted with a number of important changes in energy.

They will take place in the month of March.

On March 7th, Saturn will make a transfer from Aquarius to Pisces and on March 23rd we will see a more important change, when Pluto makes a first (temporarily) transfer from Capricorn to Aquarius.

When Saturn transfer to Pisces it is possible that the sharp sides in the dialogue about freedom and limitation of freedom by government. At the same time the need to stay attentive in relation to possible virus infections may need less attention.

Something else that will be possibly changing is our freedom to bet and the use of addictive stuff. It also will become more and more clear our healthcare system is passing its boundaries; also, there we will see reducing measurements. Saturn will remain in Pisces until February 14th, 2026.

The transfer of Pluto to Aquarius will primarily be only for a couple of months (up to June 11th, 2023). After that Pluto will return for a while in Capricorn.

We could assume, the cosmic order gives us some respite to become prepared to the upcoming changes and prepare us on a long-lasting period with Pluto in Aquarius.

Pluto will also try to inform us about the changes needed.

Pluto is called the purificator and that is the first essence of this planet.

We can expect all societal systems that have become obsolete will be replaced or renewed.

With respect to this we should think of systems supporting inequality, or systems in disharmony with the environment or systems existing in the favor of some individuals and not in the interest of community.

We will get the time to understand the essence of Pluto in Aquarius until September 2nd, 2024, when Pluto enters Aquarius until January 19th, 2044.

The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was between 1778 and 1798. We know it from history books as a period where many power structures were erased and replaced by others.

The symbolic was represented in the slogan: “Liberté, Egalite, fraternité”.

It was the time of the French Revolution, the independency of the USA, the Enlighted despotism, but also for other movements as the Romanticism, the “Trias Politica” by Montesqieu.

During the last years we have got offered many lessons. The subjects concerned were related to important issues in the world. Great signatures are always related to scarce energies, but have impact as they have influence for many months or years.

Such an energy is for instance about the square between Uranus and Pluto (at the time of the financial crisis), or about Uranus square Saturn, together with Neptune in Pisces (virus and other infections limiting our freedom, and a fight between individual freedom and societal order.

At the moment we are at the dawn of Uranus square Saturn and Pluto transiting Capricorn.

Pluto is on the last degrees of Capricorn; this means transformation of societal systems.

We indeed see systems that are obsolete and need to be replaced. But don’t feel uneasy about it, there will be more mature systems to replace them.

Unfortunately, mankind has to learn to change, they refuse to act voluntarily and have the tendency to stay connected to the ancient order.

Our universe gives many indications, however when we do not understand them and follow these indications, the signs we receive will become more and more clear.

At the moment our signaling planet Uranus is in Taurus. Taurus is about all nature we are living in, but also for value systems. If we take a better look, we will understand these systems all need a thorough revaluation.

There is also the quantum issue. Our growing consciousness that everything isn’t as it appears to be and that we gradually will learn how it really fits.

Real in the sense all potential is already available, we only should learn to understand and discover. By becoming more conscious, we are a kind with many incarnations. This adventure is one out of an endless assignment of the soul. Esoteric astrology helps us to understand.


This newsletter is edited monthly by Omegahighlighter and contains different articles and previews based on astronomical occurrences and related energies.

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Jan Weber

To have peace in the world

You should find it in your own heart

Lao Tse