Maandelijks archief: oktober 2011

The solar eclipse of 25th November 2011

In the ISAR International e-Zine I found the following article written by Charmaine Ashton (USA), giving us a beautiful insight in the serendipity of astrological and mundane events.

“The November 25th solar eclipse will occur at 2/37 Sagittarius, lending a trine to Uranus at 0 Aries in square to Pluto in Cap.  In light of the current worldwide protests against the imbalance of the distribution of wealth, the eclipse’s asteroids are helpful in telling the story.  The asteroids Fortune, Hispania, Juewa and Sita are conjunct the Sagittarian eclipse with University in Virgo squaring it.
Fortune.  People know where Fortune has landed, in the pockets of the modern aristocracy, with very little trickling down.  Where did the current protests actually begin?  In Hispania, or Spain, in May of this year.  As well, Spain’s economic crisis is a major player in the world’s financial market instability.  Instability brings us back to Fortune, who stands on a ball as a symbol of instability of your fortune. Hence, the maxim “Stay on the ball” or “Get on the ball.”  Next is Juewa, “Jue-wa-sing”, which is Chinese for “star of the future of China”, or “China’s Fortune.”
China’s fortune is an underlying reason for the current imbalances in trade, adding to the instability and malcontent.  The final asteroid conjunct the eclipse is Sita.  Sita is from Indian lore. She once was, perhaps still is in some circles, held to be the ideal wife from the male point of view.  She was completely devoted to her husband, dependent on him for her very life, and suffered greatly from her marriage.  Sita signifies, from the western point of view, dependence.  The protesters are dependent for their very lives on the machinations of those in power, and are suffering from the elite’s actions.
Finally, the above group is in square to the asteroid University.  University students were the ones who originally started the current protests. I love a good story, and this is one I have been waiting for. This movement is growing every day, and most likely will culminate around November 25.With any luck, or fortune, the powers that be will get serious about reforming the economic disgrace we find today”.

In addition to this beautiful story, I did some research after the archetypical meaning of this degree in the mandala interpretation by Janduz and Rudhyar.

The picture according to Janduz is: The entrance of an old temple. Above the arch of the entrance we see the inscription: “Notre dame de la misericorde” in English ‘the Madonna of mercifulness”. The Madonna figure protects with her hands, made longer with energy-rays, both a group of friends in devotion on her right side and a group of threatening enemies on her left side. This picture is representing the Sagittarius grail to express high ideals of mildness and good wishes. On a low level of cosmic consciousness this female energy can be expressed in a very degenerative way.

The archetypical picture according to Rudhyars mandala is: “Two men playing chess”. Chess is a game where men’s natural aggressiveness and the struggle between light and dark is transmuted in a game. Chess has a deep cosmic and esoteric meaning. One of the meanings is to achieve a complete inner self-control.

The lesson to be learnt is to synthesize both powers (female and male) in a harmonic way.

I have the wish the energy of this eclipse will contribute to this in all current societal problems to be solved, resulting in a fair share of worlds wealth equally to all as a basis of a splendid future for mankind.

Another issue concerns the family of Saros series this eclipse is part of. In her book “Predictive astrology – the eagle and the lark” Brady indicates this eclipse as being part of the family of eclipses 14 North. This eclipse family is dominated by a Neptune (higher ideals, fraud) opposing Saturn (authorities, systems) and Venus (matter, money, love relations) on the midpoint of these planets. According to her predictions this type of eclipse is on the eve of a period where unexpected events can occur related a.o. to financial issues, but also remarkable turning points in whatever issue.

This time, at the moment of the eclipse, Neptune and Saturn are in a trine relationship to each other, while Venus is part of a great trine with Jupiter (greater luck and personal growth) and Mars (action) the surprises might be positive ones, provided mankind works on solutions serving the earth and all people on it.

As also Pluto makes part of the great trine, purification is necessary and in those too egocentric cases, the square Pluto makes with Uranus surprises may turn out to be unpleasant.

Finally I would like to draw your attention to another article on this website (see menu articles) about Radical changes during the coming years 2012 to 2015 as result of 7 squares between Uranus and Pluto. In 1965/1966 we had the students in their anti-authoritarian and flower power movement at the moment of the conjunction between Uranus and Pluto. In the coming years the tenability of the results from that period will be weighed.

Astrological preview for November 2011

As already was the case during the month October, Pluto will continue the trine with Jupiter, enabling new initiatives to remove structural problems in our financial and other systems. Try to stimulate them, we need them and be prepared to leave dishonest systems, favoring a happy few at the cost of earth and mankind, radically behind. The conjunction between Mercury and Venus during the first half of November is becoming exact on November 2nd, shortly after these planets entered Sagittarius. The challenge of this 1st degree of Sagittarius is to discuss in a sphere where communication will be generally peaceful and full of mutual understanding, but focused on the revelation of the essentials.

The first 10 days of November will probably give fair weather. In general the sphere will be nice and warm. On November 9th we can enjoy the fascinating view of the monthly repeating conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter in Taurus, depending on a cloudless sky. This will give whom are sensitive to this a warm earthly atmosphere. This changes on November 11th when the planet Mars enters Virgo. Mars will stay in this sign until the beginning of July 2012, and will be in the biannual retrograde period in this sign. In numerological sense November 11th will also show something remarkable (11-11-11), with many transformative signs. The sphere will appear to become much more critical with an increasing chance for verbal incidents. When the Sun makes a semi square with Pluto the planet of transformation this influence will be even stronger. From that moment we also enter the semi annual eclipse period. On November 25th we have a solar eclipse on 3rd degree of Sagittarius. According to the astrological mandala this degree is the degree of the Sagittarius Grail of philosophy of life. At a low level of cosmic consciousness this can lead to this can degenerate to fierce religious struggles. The message is to learn to stay above this level and to develop a vision of a divine state being the ultimate goal for all kinds of religion and philosophies of life. On November 24th Mercury starts to move retrograde, this time on the 21st degree of Sagittarius, the degree of higher psychic power and wisdom. Let Mercury again be our messenger of the Gods and guide us the way to a true understanding in order to turn the energy of the eclipse in a direction of a true understanding of a harmonic cosmic brotherhood. On November 26th when Venus enters Capricorn the weather will become substantial colder.

Astrological preview October 2011

The month October appears to become a rather quiet month in fierce times, caused by the transit of Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto in Capricorn shows us failures in systems and structures (a.o. the financial system) and makes clear what should be restructured. Conservative powers will try to prevent better solutions to be introduced in order to prevent their private interests. The transit of the Sun in Libra the first part of October will put a focus on relationships. With also Mercury and Venus in this sign this will turn out to be a pleasant time in general, except there where relationships did exist too long and without a real content. In the period from October 7th up to October 23rd these will be tested and especially when from aOctober 9th Venus enters Scorpio. The Sun will join Venus on October 23rd when it also enters Scorpio. The friendly climate of being focused on the other changes totally. Superficiality will disappear and will be replaced by depth and many issues will be tested against this. The New Moon of October 26th on the 3rd degree of Scorpio is a good moment to do the test in your own personal life. According to Rudhyars astrological mandala this is the degree for the pioneers of the approaching new era. It appears to be meant that everybody in a spiritual mood will question what his/her contribution for the New Era is supposed to be.

In October Pluto makes a trine to Jupiter in Taurus. This trine will be exact on October 28th on the same day when the Sun makes an opposition with Jupiter and a sextile with Pluto. This special astrological constellation will bring us new impulses for growth but now from a purified inner wish for a better world for all mankind.

Astrological biography Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs astrological biography (24-03-1955 / 05-10-2011)

Short curriculum

Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, was born on February 24th 1955 in San Francisco, California, USA at 7:15 pm. (source: astrodienst)

His mother, a student, left him for adoption, to ensure the boy would have a good education.

At the age of 10 he got interested in electronics. A couple of years later he worked as a student and joined Hewlett Packard, a supplier of electronic equipment and years later becoming leading in micro systems.

He left college and started a job at Atari a supplier of video games. Some years later he became spiritually inspired and travelled to India. After his return he joined Steve Wozniak and in 1976 together they developed a board with computer circuits they called The Apple. This formed the basis of the Apple computer they built a couple of years later and turned out to become a huge success. Within 3 years the company had a value of 10 million dollars and a year later even 100 million dollars. Steve turned out to become a tyrant with moody outbursts leading to struggles with other executives. He resigned from Apple and started a new adventure NEXT, a computer enterprise, developing hardware different from other suppliers. He bought Pixar Animations and became a partner for Disney. In those years Pixar was rewarded with 20 Academy Awards for animation pictures. In 1997 Jobs convinced Apple to take over NEXT and when decided to do so Jobs became CEO of Apple. In 2001 the iPod, a revolutionary discovery to be able to listen to music according to the own choice was presented and on January 9th 2007 the iPhone, an imported breakthrough in the integration of voice, phone, internet and image, was introduced. The iPhone turned out to be the facilitator for the world wide use of internet using a multi variety of technologies for communication. On January 27th 2010 the iPad was introduced, Apples last new announcement under the direction of Jobs. On March 18th 1991 Jobs married Laurene Powell. Together they were blessed with 3 children, the oldest a son a couple of months after the wedding ceremony. On July 31st 2004 Jobs underwent a surgery to remove a pancreatic tumor. The tumor seemed to be self contained  and no further treatment appeared to be necessary. Because of his worsening health situation Jobs resigned as CEO on January 17th 2011 and died on October 5th 2011.

Astrological analysis

Steve was born with Sun in Pisces and Virgo rising. These are tokens for a man who wants to be a servant for the community. From his birthchart we can identify his personal skills as follows. There is a Grand Square with Mars and Neptune opposing each other on one hand and Venus opposing Jupiter and Uranus on the other hand. His Pisces Sun makes a one and half square (135 degrees) with Jupiter. Hard (Mars) and restless (Grand Square) work to realize his visionary (Uranus and Neptune) ideas in matter (Venus) for a better world (Jupiter). Uranus is ruler of  his 6th house (work and health) and Mars of his 8th house (transformation). With Venus ruling his second house the efforts will inevitably result in “matter’ and possessions. Mars in Aries square Uranus indicate his talent and interest for electronics.

His moody behavior can be explained as follows. Moon rising is intended to be a servant. However the planet ruling Virgo Mercury is in Aquarius in his 5th house and makes a square with Saturn. It leads to criticism on other people especially authorities , possibly not being at the right position according to Jobs opinion. The Moon in Aries in the 8th house gives him inpatient emotional behavior. Possibly Jobs has never realized his moody behavior and acted according to what he perceived to be in the interest of all.

On the day of his wedding progressive Mercury was opposing the ascendant and Saturn (ruler of his 5th house of children) was in his 5th house. His wife was pregnant from their first child. This gives rise to the idea of a rational marriage. However also love played an important role because the universal planet of love Venus was opposing Steve’s planet of love Neptune and in conjunction with Mars, ruler of the 8th house and therefore related to the birth of new life.

On the moment of the presentation of his major finding the iPhone Venus in progression was opposing his ascendant. Furthermore Sun and Mercury made a transit conjunct Venus and Pluto made a transit conjunct the Galactic Centre. Uranus made a one and a half square (135 degrees) with Uranus. So something really revolutionary and important to the benefit of mankind had been presented also fulfilling the quest of Steve himself (Mercury being ruler of his 10th house).

At the day of the pancreatic surgery Mars (surgery) made a transit conjunct Pluto (hidden in the body), Uranus (sudden changes) made a transit conjunct the Sun and Neptune (illusion, hidden issues) a transit conjunct Mercury. An indication for big changes in his daily life and health, but also indicating issues to stay invisible (Uranus) and under the surface (Pluto).

The day Steve died, the transit of Neptune, the divine and ruler of his Sun, was trine the Neptune in his birth chart. Neptune also made a sextile to Mars ruler of his 8th house of life and dead, birth and passing away. It is also an indication of a passing away in peace.

Astrobiografie van Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs astrobiografie (24-03-1955 / 05-10-2011)

Korte levensbeschrijving

Steve Jobs, de oprichter van Apple, is geboren op 24 februari 1955 in San Francisco, California, USA om 19:15. (bron: astrodienst)

Zijn moeder, een studente, stond hem ter adoptie af, omdat zij geen relatie had met de vader en hem geen goede opvoeding en opleiding kon geven.

Op 10 jarige leeftijd raakte hij geïnteresseerd in elektronica. Een aantal jaren later werkte hij als student bij Hewlett Packard, een computer leverancier, toonaangevend in micro systemen. Hij stopte met studeren en ging bij Atari, leverancier van video games, werken.

Hij kreeg een spirituele ingeving, stopte met werken en reisde naar India.

In 1976 bouwde hij met zijn kameraad, de geniale Steve Wozniak een board met computer circuits dat ze Apple noemden. Het werd uiteindelijk de 1e Apple en het werd een succes. Binnen 3 jaar was het bedrijf 10 miljoen dollar waard en een jaar later al 100 miljoen.

Steve Jobs ontpopte zich als een humeurige tiran, die regelmatig ruziede met andere leidinggevenden. Dat leidde tot zijn ontslag. Hij stortte zich in een nieuw avontuur NeXT, een computerbedrijf met een ander soort hardware dan tot die tijd gebruikelijk. Hij kocht Pixar Animaties en werd een partner voor Disney. Pixar won in de jaren met Jobs aan het roer 20 Academy Awards voor animatie films. In 1997 overtuigde Jobs Apple om NeXT over te nemen en Jobs werd CEO bij Apple. In 2001 werd de iPOD (een revolutionaire vinding om muziek naar keuze te beluisteren uitgebracht en op 9 januari 2007 zag de iPhone het licht een belangrijke doorbraak in de integratie van telefoon, internet en beeld. De iPhone heeft er in feite toe geleid dat internet werd ontsloten en optimaal van de mogelijkheden tot veelsoortige communicatievormen gebruik kon worden gemaakt.

Op 27 januari 2010 werd de iPad geïntroduceerd, de laatste grote vernieuwing van Apple onder regie van Steve Jobs.

Jobs trad op 18 maart 1991 in het huwelijk met Laurene Powell. Samen kregen ze 3 kinderen.

Op 31 juli 2004 werd Jobs geopereerd aan een tumor in de pancreas.

Op 17 januari 2011 nam hij afscheid als CEO van Apple en op 5 oktober 2011 stierf hij.

Astrologische analyse


Steve heeft Zon in Vissen en Maagd als ascendant. Dat maakt hem in de basis een dienstbaar mens die iets teweeg wil brengen voor een betere gemeenschap. Uit zijn geboortehoroscoop zijn verder de bijzondere talenten als volgt te duiden. Er is een groot vierkant waarin Mars opposiet Neptunus en Venus opposiet de conjunctie van Uranus en Jupiter. Zijn Zon in Vissen in 6 maakt een anderhalf vierkant (135 gr) met Jupiter. Hard werken (Zon in 6) en rusteloos (groot vierkant) werken dus om visionaire ideeën (Neptunus en Uranus) in het stof (Venus) te doen manifesteren. Uranus is heer 6 (werk en gezondheid) en Mars is heer 8 (transformatie). Jupiter duidt op een bedoelde groei voor het menselijk collectief. Met Venus als heer 2 levert het ook nog behoorlijk wat “slijk der aarde” op. Mars in Ram vierkant Uranus geeft zijn interesse in de elektronica aan.

Zij onaangepast gedrag valt als volgt te verklaren. De Maagd ascendant met heerser Mercurius in Waterman in 5 vierkant Saturnus en een Maan in Ram verklaren dat. Veel kritiek op anderen, er niet tegen kunnen dat anderen minder visionair zijn. Vooral ook autoriteiten in zijn omgeving, die naar de mening van Jobs waarschijnlijk niet echt op hun plaats zaten,  zullen daar last van kunnen hebben gehad. Waarschijnlijk heeft hij dat zelf nooit beseft en met de beste bedoelingen commentaar gegeven, want de Maagd ascendant en Zon in Vissen zijn in principe erg dienstbaar.

Op zijn huwelijksdag liep zijn progressieve Mercurius conjunct de descendant en Saturnus (zijn heer 5) in 5 (huis van de kinderen). Zijn vrouw was zwanger en later dat jaar werd hun eerste kind geboren. Je zou dus van een huwelijk uit verstand kunnen spreken. Maar er was zeker ook genegenheid in het spel, want de universele planeet van de liefde Venus stond opposiet zijn liefdesplaneet Neptunus  en conjunct Mars, heer 8 en daarom ook gerelateerd aan geboorte van nieuw leven.

Op het moment van de presentatie van zijn grootste vinding, de iPhone liep Venus in progressie opposiet zijn ascendant. Verder liepen Zon en Mercurius transit conjunct Venus en Pluto conjunct het galactisch centrum. Uranus liep anderhalfvierkant (135 gr) Uranus. Kortom er werd iets werkelijk revolutionairs tot stand gebracht in het belang van de toekomst van de  mensheid.

Op het moment van de operatie aan zijn pancreas, liep Mars (operatie) transit conjunct Pluto (diep in het lichaam), Uranus transit conjunct zijn Zon en Neptunus transit conjunct zijn Mercurius. Een aanduiding voor fikse veranderingen in het gebied van werk en gezondheid maar ook dat er zaken onzichtbaar (Neptunus) blijven, onder de oppervlakte (Pluto).

Op het moment van zijn overlijden duidt  transit Neptunus driehoek radix Neptunus (het goddelijke) en een sextiel naar radix Mars (heer 8, geboorte en ook overlijden) op een overgang in vrede.